What our Students & Parents think about us!

  • "Son un equipo maravilloso, donde podemos dejar a nuestros hijos con toda la confianza, ya que sabemos que los tratarán de 10!!! Además de ser todos profesores nativos!!!"

    — Ariana, Parent.

  • "My daughter looks forward to this all week long. Cat and Ivana know just what to do to stroke her interest in learning. While in other environments my daughter has a tendency to become unreceptive to challenges, in the fun environment that is CatVana she relishes them. The best part is not that they teach her new things and that the concepts stick, but that they inspire her to keep searching and being curious in her own time. I feel really lucky to have found this place."

    — Parent.

  • "Jo vaig a cat vana per fe reforços de mates. Vaig a catvana des de-de sisè de primària i he de dir que he millorat amb les mates gràcies a cat vana. Les professores són molt amables, divertides, T'ajudaran amb el que necessitis, i faran que entenguis el que estiguis fent. "

    — Carlota (14), Student.